Saturday, May 26, 2007


一直在等Robert RodriguezQuentin TarantinoGrindhouse,枪版倒是有了,不敢看怕坏了第一映像……我比较懒,也是好久没更新了。无限期待中!

From Wikipedia:

Planet Terror

In a rural town in Texas, go-go dancer Cherry Darling (Rose McGowan) decides to quit her low-paying job and find another use for her talents. As she meets her ex-boyfriend El Wray (Freddy Rodriguez) at the Bone Shack, a restaurant owned by JT Hague (Jeff Fahey), a group of military officials, led by the demented Lt. Muldoon (Bruce Willis), are disturbed to learn that a deadly disease that transforms ordinary citizens into psychopathic zombie-like creatures called "sickos", DC2 (also known as "Project Terror"), is already spreading throughout the town. After capturing Abby (Naveen Andrews) for information, they depart to stop the spreading disease. The infected townspeople are treated by the sinister Dr. William Block (Josh Brolin) and his mistreated wife Dakota (Marley Shelton) at a local hospital. As Cherry and El Wray are attacked by the sickos, Doc Block learns of his wife's plans to abandon him and reunite with her lesbian lover, Tammy (Stacy Ferguson), who was killed by the sickos earlier. Doc Block tries to kill Dakota with her own anesthetics, but only has enough time to numb her hands and lock her in a closet before returning to the overwhelming amount of infected patients. Cherry loses her leg to the sickos and El Wray is detained by Sheriff Hague (Michael Biehn) based on past encounters between the two men. As the patients transform into sickos, El Wray escapes the police station and arrives at the hospital, attaching a wooden table leg to Cherry's stump. As they violently flee from the hospital, Dakota escapes to her car and returns home, breaking her wrist in the process. Meanwhile, Doc Block becomes infected by one of the first sickos, Joe (Nicky Katt), and the others take refuge at the Bone Shack.

Dakota rescues her son Tony and takes him to her father, Earl McGraw (Michael Parks). When Tony accidentally shoots himself in the face with a gun, Dakota, Earl, and Tony's crazed babysitter twins (Electra and Elise Avellan) arrive at the Bone Shack. With Sheriff Hauge and his brother JT critically injured, the group decides to flee to the Mexican border, before being stopped by a large mob of sickos. However, Muldoon's men arrive, and kill the sickos before arresting the rebels. They learn from Abby that the officials are planning to liquidate the entire area in order to stop DC2. As Cherry and Dakota are taken away by two sickos who intend to rape them, the others defeat the security guards and search for Muldoon. After being discovered by El Wray and Abby, Muldoon explains that he killed Osama bin Laden before he and his men were infected with DC2 and were ordered to protect the area. After killing a mutating Muldoon, the duo arrive and save Cherry and Dakota, ultimately replacing Cherry's wooden leg with a custom-made M4A1 carbine assault rifle/M203 grenade launcher, which she promptly uses to defeat the rest of Muldoon's men. In the final battle, Sheriff Hague dies of his injuries as JT sacrifices himself to eliminate the sickos, shortly before Abby is killed in combat. Doc Block then arrives and is killed by Earl, shortly before the survivors use a nearby helicopter to defeat the remaining sickos. However, while saving Cherry from a sicko, El Wray is shot to death, and the remaining survivors flee. They eventually take refuge in Tulum, Mexico, where a new society begins and Cherry gives birth to El Wray's daughter.

Death Proof

Spoiler warning: Plot or ending details follow.
Friends Arlene (Vanessa Ferlito), Shanna (Jordan Ladd) and radio disc jockey Jungle Julia Lucai (Sydney Tamiia Poitier), are driving around Colorado St. in Austin, Texas, celebrating Julia's birthday, unknowingly being followed by a man in a black 1971 Chevy Nova SS with an ominous white Kung Faux skull logo painted on the hood. Over margaritas at Guero's Restaurant, Julia tells Arlene that earlier that day she made a radio announcement, promising any boy who calls Arlene "Butterfly," buys her a drink, and recites her a segment of the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" will be given a free lap dance. Next, the girls stop off at the Texas Chili Parlor for more drinks and to meet up with some boys. Pam (Rose McGowan), a childhood enemy of Jungle Julia's, is also at the bar, eventually encountering Stuntman Mike (Kurt Russell), a scarred body double for Hollywood action films, who offers to give her a ride home. However, Mike is soon revealed to be a serial killer who takes great pleasure in killing vulnerable young women on the road. First, he brutally murders Pam by swerving aggressively to injure and frighten her, and then accelerating rapidly and braking hard, which leads to a deadly impact with the unpadded dashboard in front of her. Next, he crashes into the other three girls (along with Jungle Julia's pot dealer, Lanna Frank (Monica Staggs), whom they met up with at the bar) at a combined speed of two hundred miles per hour, resulting in a gruesome, violent death for each girl. Mike only suffers minor injuries, however, and because the girls were driving while intoxicated, he is cleared of all charges, much to the chagrin of Texas Ranger Earl McGraw (Michael Parks), who knows that Mike is a homicidal maniac guilty of "vehicular homicide."

Fleeing to Tennessee, Mike targets Lee (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), Abernathy (Rosario Dawson), Kim (Tracie Thoms), and Zoë (Zoë Bell, playing a character based upon herself and her real life experiences as a stuntwoman), a group of women working below the line in Hollywood. Kim, Abernathy, and Zoë eventually take a Dodge Challenger on a test drive, during which Zoë plays a dangerous game which she calls "Ship's Mast." The stunt requires the rider to climb onto the roof of the car at a high speed and ease onto the hood while holding onto two leather belts fastened to the two doors to emulate the experience of being up a ship's mast. Mike, in his "new" 1969 Dodge Charger, chases after them, repeatedly crashing into their car and nearly killing Zoë multiple times as she loses grip on the belts. The extensive chase is ended after Mike successfully pulls a PIT maneuver that throws Zoë off the hood. Mike gets out of his car and congratulates the women and prepares to leave, only to be shot once in the arm by Kim. After he speeds away, Zoë jumps up from the brush in front of the Challenger, claiming no more injuries than a few bruises. The girls, angry at what Mike just did to them, decide to take their revenge. His illusions of invincibility shattered, Stuntman Mike is reduced to tears while sterilizing his wound with Four Roses bourbon and taking a few drinks to calm his nerves. Finding him further up on the country road, the girls crash violently into his car. While he is trying to escape, Zoë violently beats him in the arm with a metal pipe. There is another extensive chase sequence and Mike pleads with the girls from his car window to let him go, but the chase is abruptly ended by a PIT maneuver executed by Kim that causes Mike's car to flip over, breaking his arm. The girls drag a whimpering Mike out of the car, and each take their turn violently punching and kicking him in the face. He falls to the ground, on the verge of death, and Abernathy delivers a final blow via an axe kick to Stuntman Mike's face.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Final Fantasy Tactics - The Lion War



为纪念《最终幻想》(Final Fantasy)诞生20周年(即1987年~2007年),SQUARE ENIX将把之前移植到GBA上的《最终幻想》一、二代移植重制到PSP上面发售,推出纪念版本《最终幻想 周年纪念版》(Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition)以及《最终幻想 2 周年纪念版》(Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition),如今终于有这两款新作的更进一步续报。

在这次的两款游戏中,目前一、二代都预定在2007年年内发售推出,游戏目前开发进度为80%左右;至于二代目前的开发进度则是75%左右。在这两款游戏中,目前已知都会以PS版为基础,同样维持 2D 点阵绘图的呈现方式,游戏图像并针对 PSP 的高精细宽萤幕重新绘制,加入光源处理等特效,呈现出更美观的画面。两款作品除了会加入PS版的OP开头动画之外,还会把GBA版的追加剧情“浑沌之邪灵(Soul of Chaos)”与“重生的英灵(Soul of Rebirth)”、怪物图鉴、音乐播放模式等等加入其中,另外还有收录游戏角色设定天野喜孝的画廊,同时在游戏视窗方面也会以半透明方式加以处理。

至于在游戏系统方面,一代会把原本的回数制魔法计算方式改成MP消费制,而且在美术绘图方面还会把城镇等的地图加上光源处理,或是会有云的阴影流过等等的追加表现,在细部的战斗图像表现上也会比之前GBA版更加华丽,让玩家再度体验这款系列首作的魅力!而在二代方面,目前仅知还是会继续维持之前的熟练度系统,但其他更细部的情报内容,则有待官方公布才能明了。PSP《最终幻想 周年纪念版》与《最终幻想II 周年纪念版》预定2007年4月19日发售,游戏价售价为3,990日元(含税)喜欢《最终幻想》游戏的玩家千万不要错过本作。

日本 SQUARE ENIX 公司日前正式发表PS名作《最终幻想 战略版》(Final Fantasy Tactics)的移植作品《最终幻想 战略版 狮子战争》(Final Fantasy Tactics : Shishi Sensou)将登陆掌机PSP的消息。《最终幻想 战略版 狮子战争》是以1997年于PS上推出的同名作品为基础所重制,除了继承原作所具备的震撼剧情、多样化职业、技能与战术之外,并加入多项原创新要素。

游戏以伊法利斯为背景,叙述伊法利斯国王奥德利三世驾崩之后,发生了奥薇莉亚公主绑架事件,因而引发了两大贵族势力间的冲突,此一战争被称为‘狮子战争’。游戏故事主轴为两名活跃于狮子战争的青年,其中之一成为历史留名的英雄王,一位却消失在历史洪流中,成为名不见经传的过去。 游戏画面仍然使用原来的3D地图加2D人物的表现手法,并针对PSP的宽屏进行了画面调整。系统部分同样继承原作,并加入在《最终幻想 3》中首次登场的新职业‘洋葱剑士’,以及连线对战功能,最关键的是S·E为本作特制了多段高水准CG来烘托剧情。


本作中的“狮子战争”的故事舞台伊瓦利斯是和《最终幻想 12》以及其他的伊瓦利斯同盟具有相同的世界观的同名国家。本作中,伊瓦利斯分裂成了六块领土,而其中伽利奥努和杰尔泰尼亚两个领土的关系不断恶化,战争一触即发。而其他领土对于这两股势力持有怎样的态度,将采取怎样的行动,这便是故事的关键。








七、游戏结束与胜利相反,游戏也会GAME OVER。有两种情况会导致游戏结束,一种是主人公拉姆扎的水晶消失,另一种是没有能完成战斗开始时候提示的胜利条件。比如“救出指定的人”这样的条件,如果这个指定的人战斗不能了,那游戏便会立刻结束。注意并不是水晶消失的瞬间,而是战斗不能的瞬间。

目前,SQUARE ENIX 公司已公布《最终幻想 战略版 狮子战争》将于2007年5月10日发售,售价为5,040日元(含税),喜欢《最终幻想》这类经典RPG游戏的玩家不要错过本作。

Friday, May 04, 2007

Hot Fuzz

Hot Fuzz(imdb),是极具创意的导演Edgar WrightA Fistful of FingersShaun of the Dead之后执导的第三部电影,擅长恐怖悬疑,可偏偏把喜剧元素融入其中,非常讽刺……在Shaun of the Dead中就是喜剧爱情加上生化危机般的背景=。=

本片的看点也正在于此,英式幽默加上简洁的剪辑在影片的开头肯定会让你大笑一通。但是随着剧情发展,悬疑与犯罪的成分逐渐增加,所创造出的紧张气氛很好。毕竟是经常涉及恐怖题材的Edgar Wright,画面还是有些血腥的~最后则完全变成了枪战片=。=想象一下生化危机但是人并不是僵尸就对了~


顺便提下片中一再出现的bad boys 2(2003),觉得是集所有动作片之大成之作,可以看看~不论剧情哦!只是场面而已=。=



1974年4月18日出生于多塞特普尔的埃德加·怀特是英国的一名电视、电影导演。他最著名的作品莫过于《僵尸肖恩》(Shaun of the Dead),在这部僵尸题材的爱情喜剧中,怀特不但担任导演,同时也负责剧本的创作工作。

在萨默塞特的韦尔斯蓝校上学时,年仅14岁的怀特便开始了自己的导演生涯。20岁的时候,他拍摄了一部带有讽刺意味的西部片——《一把手指》(A Fistful of Fingers)。该片虽只在有限的几家影院上映外,但也成功登陆英国卫星电视频道“天空电影”。……






Thursday, May 03, 2007

Avril Lavigne - The Best Damn Thing

Avril Lavigne(My space)终于出新专辑了……Let go和Under my skin加上b sides(并没有选入专辑的歌曲和demo)已经到听得烂掉的程度=。=

这几天一直在听,总体感觉还是以前的Avril风格,还是依旧非常耐听~2007年最佳专辑就它了!至于girl friend的中文、西班牙文、葡萄牙语、法文、意大利文、德文、日文版本,觉得她学的蛮用心的,仔细听还能听懂中文版的啦~

预定今年4月17日发行。这次曲风要比上一次更加明快一点,Punk,快节奏。Avril自己描述为:fast, fun, young, bratty, aggressive, confident, cocky in a playful way...all the good stuff.

Avril前主音吉他手Evan Taubenfeld在这次专辑中协助。

From Wikepedia:
The Best Damn Thing (2007–present)

Lavigne's third album The Best Damn Thing was released on April 17 2007. The album is produced by Dr. Luke, her husband Deryck Whibley, Rob Cavallo, Butch Walker and herself.[18][19] Travis Barker has also recorded drums on the record. The album made its radio debut in its entirety on Ottawa radio statio Hot 89.9 at 6:00 pm on April 14, 2007. Lavigne revealed in a posting on her MySpace blog that the first single from the album will be "Girlfriend". "Girlfriend" was due to be released on January 29 but the date has changed due to "Keep Holding On"'s increasing popularity on the radio. The video for "Girlfriend" debuted on February 26 and her single premiered on Ottawa radio station HOT 89.9 with evening personality Cash Conners February 6, 2006. Evan Taubenfeld, her former guitarist made a cameo in her video, confirmed in his Myspace blog.

On February 18, 2007, clips of "Everything Back But You", "I Can Do Better" and "When You're Gone" were released on AOL Music and received a mixed reaction from fans.[citation needed]

"Girlfriend" made its debut on the Billboard Hot 100 chart at #5 in early March 2007. This is Avril's highest debut ever on the chart and has already sold over 122,000 downloads through iTunes. "Girlfriend" also debuted at #3 on Billboard's Top Digital Songs which is Avril's second appearance on that chart. "Keep Holding On" being the first. The song "Girlfriend" is also available in seven other languages, the only difference from the English version being the chorus translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin, Japanese, Italian, German and French. Avril's comeback single "Girlfriend" was added to the UK iTunes Music Store and reached #10 in under 24 hours. On Ryan Seacrest's radio show she said herself that "When You're Gone" will be the 2nd single.

Lavigne has been doing a small tour to promote The Best Damn Thing, with tickets available only to members of her fan club[citation needed]. She kicked off the tour in Calgary, Alberta, and played for a crowd of around 200. This show was aired on television on April 2nd 2007, on the CBC Network.