Masters of Science Fiction
Masters of Science Fiction(ABC)。由于根据著名短篇科幻小说改编,剧情很不错,而且每集短小精悍,不会吊人胃口。遗憾的是一共只有6集,已经出了3集了,不太过瘾……
在演员方面,有我们所熟悉的《Law & Order》主演、奥斯卡和艾美双重提名获得者Sam Waterston;
奥斯卡和艾美双重提名获得者Judy Davis(The Starter Wife);
人气女演员Anne Heche(Men in Trees);
国际著名演员Malcolm McDowell(Heroes);
热门剧集《Lost》中John Locke的扮演者Terry O'Quinn;
《Law & Order》女主演Elizabeth Rohm ;
两届托尼奖、一届艾美奖、一届金球奖得主Brian Dennehy(《Death of a Salesman 销员之死》);
两届奥斯卡提名获得者John Hurt(《Midnight Express 午夜快车》、《The Elephant Man 象人》);
热门剧集《Desperate Housewives》演员James Denton。Episode 1: A Clean Escape
A dying Dr. Deanna Evans refuses to believe that her patient, Robert Havelmann, cannot remember the last 25 years of his life. It remains unclear why she has been so obsessed with this particular patient until the final, shocking conclusion.Episode 2: The Awakening
In the middle of a ferocious firefight outside of Baghdad, US soldiers discover a mysterious body—one that they can’t even identify as human. Swiftly, all over the earth, more such creatures appear and begin to communicate. With this contact, the world is forced to choose between peace and destruction.Episode 3: Jerry Was a Man
Mr. and Mrs. Bronson Van Vogel are the seventh-richest couple in the world. Pleasure is their only work; mundane or dangerous chores are done by anthropoids. All the anthropoids—a few strands of human DNA, grown into a baby and fused with plastics—are named “Joe.” Somehow, Mrs. Van Vogel’s dormant compassion is awakened by a Joe named Jerry. What traits would prove that Jerry is, indeed, a man?Episode 4: The Discarded
The ultimate story of despised minorities forever adrift in the darkness of outer space. As a last resort – born out of their loneliness and despair – they are forced to make an ominous pact with those responsible for their plight, in the hope that they will finally be offered refuge at home on Earth.Episode 5: Little Brother
In a future world where courtrooms exist without human judges or juries, automated justice is the law of the land. Sitting before a kiosk which is itself the judge, jury, and executioner of the future, Fredon must find a way to convince the machine of his innocence – or find some other way to save himself before time runs out.Episode 6: Watchbird
It seems the perfect solution to a ballooning crime rate – filling the skies with flying robotic droids that can prevent murder before it takes place. However, nobody told these “Watchbirds” that all life depends on a formula of carefully balanced killing. Robert Sheckley’s renowned story examines one of the most important questions of our time – is it wise to sacrifice our liberty in the name of our security?
你不要吓我。...像007一样的话。。。他的目的又是什么?James Bond可是有军情6处隔三差五的给他任务的,就这样的人die another day里面还要自己干。。。(不好意思Casino royale没看)你内容介绍是不是有点太详细了,看了你的blog还让不让人看电影了 :D
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